How EstImage can help property insurers
Streamlined processes and ease of communication are key to delivering more efficient supplier management, and therefore, an overall better experience in property claims.
Many stakeholders and supporting organisations are involved in an insurance claim - from insurers to various suppliers, customers and assorted repairers - each using their own preferred software and claims system. When these systems do not integrate, emails and calls are often utilised with each party trying to gather information. This ultimately leads to delays and an increased potential for errors and data loss.
Using a centralised software solution such as EstImage Property can solve these issues, by connecting the various stakeholders and providing one source of truth.
Here are six ways EstImage Property can help property insurers provide a streamlined and more efficient claims process.
1. Centralised System
All supplier, property and claimant information, and communication, is centralised for ease of use by all parties.
2. Supplier Integration
EstImage Property has the ability to integrate with a suppliers’ existing workflow management system, allowing more streamlined communications and supplier management. Administration time/costs and clerical errors are also reduced, by removing the need to duplicate information into various systems.
3. Catastrophe Management
Users are able to customise their catastrophe event needs with additional capabilities to define regions, set authority limits and allocate available service providers.
4. Customisable Rules Engine
Insurers can use the customisable rules engine to auto-approve claims. This allows suppliers and repairers to proceed quickly when a claim value is under a delegated authority limit and therefore improves the authorisation process.
5. Tiered Supplier Allocation
Users can tier providers based on the number of orders/jobs a supplier has in its pipeline; meaning jobs are automatically allocated to the next provider in line based on capacity and contracts with insurers.
6. Personalised and Customisable
EstImage Property can be tailored to the property insurers’ specific business needs and offers complete personalisation. The solution is also completely configurable, letting insurers and suppliers configure areas by region, either based on postcodes or specifically drawn map locations.
EstImage Property is a customisable insurance software solution that simplifies the communication and administration of property claims between property insurers, suppliers, and customers. EstImage Property is fully compliant with the Australian general insurance code of practice (GICOP).
For more information about EstImage Property, contact the team today to request a demo.